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Expert Eating Disorder Training Rooted in Clinical Expertise and Personal Recovery


I bring my expertise as an experienced eating disorder clinician, as well as my lived experience as someone who has recovered from an eating disorder, to my training and speaking sessions. My enthusiasm for teaching is immense, and I hope your team will find my passion about this field to be infectious.


Topics I typically cover in eating disorder training include: 

  • What are eating disorders, what eating disorders are there, and myth-busting common stereotypes and assumptions

  • What eating disorder treatments are there, what do they look like, and how are they delivered (formulation, treatment steps, etc.)

  • What not to say to someone with an eating disorder

  • How to best communicate with someone with an eating disorder

  • What to look out for in physical health/medical concerns

  • How to broach the topic of eating disorders with someone 

  • Top tips and lessons I've learned from working with patients 

  • Anecdotes from my lived experience as someone who has navigated recovery


I also offer enhanced eating disorder training, which is more tailored and bespoke to your service's needs. Additional topics include:

  • Exploring the crossover between eating disorders and neurodivergence (autism and ADHD)

  • Working with sensory sensitivities 

  • Understanding links between eating disorders, body image distress, and marginalised groups such as the LGBT+ community​

Training & Speaking Experience

June 2024

  • Eating Disorder Training: Time to Talk (~15 psychological therapists), online for Berkshire

  • Conference Presentation: Working with Comorbid Eating Disorders and Autism (~50 clinicians), in Manchester


May 2024

  • Conference Presentation: Working with Comorbid Eating Disorders and Personality Disorders (~350 clinicians), in Liverpool


April 2024

  • Eating Disorder Training: Psychological Medicines Service (~15 psychological therapists & psychiatrists), in Stockport


February 2024

  • Eating Disorder Training: Living Well Collaborative (~40 clinicians, social workers, & support workers), in Stockport

November 2023

  • Eating Disorder Training: GP Masterclass Session, (~150 GPs), online for Stockport


October 2023

  • Eating Disorder Training: Gastroenterology Team, (~40 gastroenterologists, dietitians, & nurses) at Stepping Hill Hospital

  • Perfectionism, Self-Compassion and the Workplace - Consulting and Training: Blanchard Training & Consulting, United States 


July 2023

  • Eating Disorder Training: Mental Health Liaison Team, (~12 mental health nurses) at Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport



I am flexible on session contents and delivery format, and I provide sliding scale pricing for not-for-profit and charity organisations. ​My hourly rate for training and speaking takes into account prep time. I offer training either virtually, or in-person if within the Northwest.


  • Eating Disorder Training: £120/hour

  • Enhanced Eating Disorder Training: £150/hour

  • Conference Speaker Slot: £200/hour


Please make an enquiry on the contact page so we can collaboratively discuss your training needs!


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